An effective business model
The quantity of sewage sludge is constantly growing, as well as the related costs for its treatment and disposal. Furthermore, the legislation on waste, which is increasingly demanding both at EU and national level, determines an increase in costs and complexity for the companies involved in the management of sludge.
Sewage sludge
(*) estimated data
Source: REF and Eurostat data
◼︎ Industrial sludge and other liquid waste (from industrial wastewater treatment and remediation and drilling activities) 5.7 Mt / year ◼︎ Sludge (from civil wastewater treatment and from food preparation and processing activities) 6.1 Mt / year ◼︎Other wastes from economic activities 70,3 Mt/year
Approximately 3 million tons of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment are produced each year in Italy. The management of this sludge presents a significant deficit due to the lack of adequate infrastructure for its final treatment and disposal or reuse in agriculture. For many companies, sludge treatment represents an increasing operational cost and introduces management complexities, making it increasingly urgent to adopt alternative solutions that are both economically and environmentally sustainable.
B-Plas responds to this challenge with an innovative approach: our technologies not only help reduce the operational costs of sludge disposal, but also provide a revenue opportunity through the generation of new value and new revenues.