An effective business model

The quantity of sewage sludge is constantly growing, as well as the related costs for its treatment and disposal. Furthermore, the legislation on waste, which is increasingly demanding both at EU and national level, determines an increase in costs and complexity for the companies involved in the management of sludge.

Sewage sludge

(*)  estimated data

Source: REF and Eurostat data

◼︎ Industrial sludge and other liquid waste (from industrial wastewater treatment and remediation and drilling activities) 5.7 Mt / year
◼︎ Sludge (from civil wastewater treatment and from food preparation and processing activities) 6.1 Mt / year
◼︎Other wastes from economic activities  70,3 Mt/year

Today in many European Contries, the management of sewage sludge is problematic due to the structural lack of both post-treatment plants, and economic solutions for their reuse (i.e. spreading in agriculture) or End of Life (i.e. landfill or waste-to-energy). The management of waste sludge represents an increasingly significant and growing operating cost for a company, and involves organizational and management complexities that make convenient the identification of sustainable alternatives, from an economic and environmental point of view.


The B-Plas solution allows the company to have a qualified industrial partner at its side, supporting to tackle the problem of sludge management by reducing their costs for treatment and disposal, and at the same time generate direct revenue from the sale of the PHA produced.

Model Scheme by B-Plas

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