B-Plas sperimental plant
After extensive studies, the first B-Plas pilot plant was built at Caviro Extra (Faenza, Italy).
Authorized by Italian Legislative Decree 152/2006 (Section 211), the pilot plant was built as part of the B-Plas Demo project (funded by EIT Climate-KIC) which sees the collaboration between the University of Bologna and Caviro Extra and has as partners the Spanish research center AIJU and the Hungarian one Pannon Pro Innovations.
Pilot Plant characteristics
- Sector: agri-food industry
- Application: anaerobic sludge
- Capacity: 1000 ton/y input
- Dehydrated cake: 75 ton/y
- PHA production: 1,5 ton/y
- Operation: 24/7
- Operating time: 2019-2022